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Mama and the Hotties


Let me tell you a thing or two about boogie boarding.

It's fun.  Really fun.

Even when you're a thirty-something, suburban housewife, mother of three who hasn't lost the baby weight yet.  Especially then.

Wading into the turquoise water...  the waves lapping at your pale, goose pimply, well insulated thighs...  The sounds of your loud, needy, blessings from the great Lord above fading...  their shrieks and demands fed to the hungry sounds of the sea...

Then the smile comes.  Unbidden.  Uninvited, but welcome with a surprise and a, "Of course you can come in!  I wasn't expecting you!".  A private smile between you and your new lover, the sea.  Tugging at the corners of your mouth, narrowing your eyes in the bright sun.  It's been a long time since you smiled like this.  Oh sure, you smile all the time.  All day in fact.  You smile and laugh, and cry, and kiss, and hug, and love with every cell of your body.  Your babies and family mean everything.  But this smile...  it's only yours.  Not because of the sweet way your little boy says your name, or because of the joy that bubbles in your heart when you see little legs wrestling on the rug.  Not this smile.  This one is just yours.  From a tiny corner of your heart that has gladly given way to cowboy hats and coloring books.  This tiny corner of your heart that you forgot all about.  It's just yours.  Suddenly, that tiny neglected corner swells and your spirit is light.  The warm water simultaneously pushes and pulls, crashes over your shoulders, roars in your ears.  To be alone with the sea.

Until some punk arse, bronzed skin, twenty year old Abercrombie poster boy comes along and completely kills your buzz.

Seriously???!!!  I'm having a moment here!

Go away, kid!  Don't you need to go change into a wolf and fight vampires or something?  Here's me, telling Jacob Black Junior to go away and leave me and my ocean alone, thank you very much.

And here's me, trying to keep my bathing suit on.  Sorry general public.  It can't be helped.

And here's me, smiling anyway.  Even though I have to share my ocean with werewolves.

Thank you Husband, for sitting in the baby shade tent and taking these photos of me having a blast.  With all three of our ankle biters running around!  You're the cat's pajamas, Baby.

Linking up with Embrace the Camera today!  Of course, it's Thursday!


Ruthie Hart said...

good for you! gettin out there in the waves :-) I am itching for a beach vacay

katrina adams said...

WORK IT, MAMA!!!! {i'm whistling}

Wendy said...

That was a hilarious post! So glad you found "your smile"!

Tara said...

Looks like so much fun!! Great pictures :)

Jami said...

this was sooo fun to read! I wouldn't want to boogie board next to him either?? lol

Eva said...

HOW FUN! I tried surfing and boogie boarding for the first time last summer and it was a blasty blast! I totally know what you mean by "the smile." I'm so glad you enjoyed it, too!

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