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Two Dollars Well Spent

I know that I am not as smart as some of you Moms out there.

Not as talented.

Not as creative.

Not as patient.

But there is one area that I am sure I've got you all beat.

I'm really good, I mean really good, at...

buying stuff.

Really good.

And this was two dollars well spent.  I know that I payed two dollars for about fifteen cents of materials, but I'm okay with that.

These little owl kits from Target were a big hit.  Getting the boys to sit down and do a project is a feat in itself, so it needs to be a quickie.

The boys were so, so proud of these little owls.

So proud to run into the other room to show Daddy.

So very excited to hang them on the tree.

I'd call that a good way to spend two dollars.

1 comment:

April Irvin said...

I love those owls. They are very sparkly. My girls would love them.

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