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Six Months of Jude

Gentle Reader.
And by Gentle Reader, I really mean my Mom.  Does anyone else even look at So Many Joyful Noises after that super duper long hiatus?

Hey.  Gentle Reader.

Did you know that four kids is a lot of freaking kids??

I don't care how many people you know, or who your grandma is, or how many happy little family blogs you follow that make it all look so super easy.

It's a lot of freaking kids.


I really had to stop blogging for the summer.

Because Lucas and Max need snacks every fifteen minutes.  And Harry is screaming and biting someone.  And the baby pooped.  And Harry is screaming some more.  And the dog puked on the couch.  And Lucas and Max are hungry again.  And Harry is screaming.  And Harry's screaming woke up the poopy baby.  And the laundry.  Oh, Sweet-Fancy-Moses.  The laundry.

So, anyway.

You've missed out on a lot.  We went to Florida.  Harry turned 3.  Chris and I celebrated our 10th anniversary.  Lucas and Max started school.  Harry yelled a lot.  We all really got into Kung Fu Panda.  So you see...  You've really missed out.

Sorry, Mom.

Allright.  Let's do this.

Jude is six months old now.  I know.  It makes me want to cry, and laugh, and stop time, and take a nap all at the same time too, Gentle Reader.  So to celebrate Jude being outside of my body for 6 whole sleep deprived blissful and slap happy months, I'm doing a Photo-a-Day project.  Oh, you are welcome.  Every day of Sweet Baby Jude's 6th month I will take a photo of His High and Mighty Cuteness.  And hopefully, I will get back on the bloggity-blog train.  Because the people need to know.  The people need to know that Max has actually chewed the collar off of two Ralph Lauren polo shirts.  The people need to know that Lucas has new socks.  And that he has proclaimed them oh so soft and cozy.  The people need to know that Harry has done so many naughty things that I can't even think of them right now...  And that is why I must get back on track.  Because the naughtiness of these boys must be documented.


Here's Jude.  He turned 6 months old yesterday.  So I'm starting a day late.  Because my name is Mariah.

He was having so much fun playing with this little blanket.  He's such a happy, sweet, smiley little bug.
sigh...  I love him so.

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