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Here We Come...

Pray for me, Gentle Reader.  Today I will be boarding a plane.  With this one.  Just the two of us.  Oh, don't be fooled. He's going to ensure that everyone on that plane hates me by the time we land in Denver. And then he's going to throw lots of food all week and make my family think secretly that he is not a human child at all, but rather a badly behaved shaved monkey that I stole from the zoo. And then he will spend the whole week screaming so loud (in both agony and ecstasy, that's this way) that my sainted grandparents will have to turn down their hearing aids and hide their ceramic giraffe in the closet. Here we come. Ready or not.


1 comment:

StringGirl said...

I see the mischief there in that twinkle. I wish you all the kind people that I have sat next to on planes. Especially the guy who let my daughter tear a napkin to tiny bits of confetti and encouraged her to let it snow on his head...

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