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Bedtime Stories

My Luke...

He crazy.

Since he was two, he has had a bit of a love affair...



I know.

It seems a little strange.

But the kid just really appreciates a nicely prepared meal.

oooh...  they must have found something really tasty.  look at Daddy.

Not that he'll eat half of what I cook, and I'm no hack in the kitchen, if I do say so myself.

He just likes the beautiful photos of the food.  Most especially, the beautiful cupcakes, sticky buns, candies, cookies...

Whenever we get a new "Slick Willy's" catalogue in the mail, it gets hijacked.  Luke calls it "Daddy's Food Mazagine."  He takes it wherever he goes.  It is at the table while he eats.

I step over it in the hallway, opened up to the cupcake page.

It goes in the car every day when we go to school.

He sleeps with it.

Yup.  Not kidding.  My kid sleeps with a Williams-Sonoma catalogue.

The cover will get frayed and tattered, he will bring it to me with tears streaming down his face in a couple of days when it needs it's first tape surgery.  (They don't make them quite durable enough to be loved like this.)

I will tape the cover back together, and repair his favorite cupcake page several times in the next several weeks.  I know it's coming.

We've had the Valentine cupcake issue before, I know what to expect.


Ann Fisher said...

He will probly be a chef someday.
It's all good.

April Irvin said...

OMgosh my youngins also love this mag. They don't sleep with it though. We aren't that bad yet. But the wants get so bad I do eventualy have to make it disappear. Of course the cupcakes are our favorite also!! Lovely food is the best! Does he watch cooking shows yet? My youngins love them a cooking show over any old cartoon any day.

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