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The Violin

My Lucas has always known his own mind.  He's no waffler.  No vacillator.  No fickle pickle.

He has a certain way about him, I can't quite put my finger on it.  But we all seem to do what he wants.  It's kind of weird.

Last summer, Lucas decided it was time that we all went and stayed in a hotel, and ate breakfast there.  (He was pretty sure that we would eat donuts and eggs.)

So...  Chris and I looked each other, eyebrows raised...

Packed the car and drove to Branson.

When our youngest son was born, we could not decide on a name.  Like, could not.  The baby was 6 days old.  This was getting ridiculous.  We asked Lucas which name to go with.  He never hesitated, never wavered, never changed his mind.


Hawwison it was.

For months I've been asking Lucas if he would like to play piano or violin.  Every time, without fail, without hesitation, he would answer, "Violin."


Then we happened to be at the mall when the Youth Symphony was playing a free concert.  When Lucas saw the musicians with their instruments, he looked at me with wide tear filled eyes and said, "Why don't I have an instrument, Mommy?"



Lucas has a new violin.

And a new violin teacher.  His first lesson was this week.

I would like to tell you that his eyes are closed because he is lost in the passion of a moment of musical bliss...

But really...  It's because I was taking his picture.  And he likes to see what he looks like with his eyes closed.

And yes.  He is wearing snowmen pajamas.  In the middle of the afternoon.

Don't judge me.


Autumn Brown said...

HAHAHA! That is too precious! I love love love the pics!

Autumn Brown said...

I also realize that I need to get me a digital camera (like yours) and take it EVERYWHERE (like you)....

See what you've started?

katrina adams said...

love it! my oldest takes piano lessons. but now i wish i started him on something a little more

Anonymous said...

Soo cute!!
I took Violin lessons! Ummmmm for a few months... yeah I know. - Do love to hear the violin ~ Congrats Lucas! You look like a pro, yes even in your snowman pajamas* (love the pj's)

Miranda Thompson said...

OOOPS accidental "anonymous"
It's ME! It's ME! (Miranda)

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