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Eighteen Month Review

Right after my eighteen month photo a day project with Harrison...  I had to replace my computer's hard drive.  Then I went to Denver.  Where they don't believe in the interntets. (What?  That isn't a state wide thing?  Just my family?  Huh.  Well, okay.)

So what I'm getting at...  is, I never really wrapped up that whole, look how cute my baby is, he's eighteen months old, thing.  I'll do that today.  And I promise to tell you about my trip tomorrow.  I know.  You're dying.  But first things first!

I love photo a day projects.  It's such a great way to really capture who those little people are right now...  But it is a little exhausting.  I know some super organized and dedicated peeps do it every day for a year...  that makes me tired to think about.  Maybe next year I'll shoot for once a week...


Here's my sweet Harry.  Every day.  For his eighteenth month.  He so crazy...  I really like that about him.

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